Baby Teething Order Chart
By By Babycloud Team October 23rd, 2024 24 views
Baby Teething Order Chart

Teething can be a challenging time for both the baby and the parents. This chart outlines the typical timeline for tooth eruption, common symptoms, and tips for soothing your little one.


Teeth Erupt Shed
Upper Teeth
Central Incisor 8-12 months 6-7 years
Lateral Incisor 9-13 months 7-8 years
Canine (Cuspid) 16-22 months 10-12 years
First Molar 13-19 months 9-11 years
Second Molar 25-33 months 10-12 years
Lower Teeth
Central Incisor 6-10 months 6-7 years
Lateral Incisor 10-16 months 7-8 years
Canine (Cuspid) 17-23 months 9-12 years
First Molar 14-18 months 9-11 years
Second Molar 23-31 months 10-12 years

Common Teething Symptoms


- Drooling: Hyper saliva production is observed in most patients.

- Irritability: Some babies may be cranky or maybe uncomfortable in one way or the other.

- Chewing: Gasy awaits or baby gloomy uses her or his toys or fingers to produce pressure on the gums as a consequence of a toothache soreness.

- Swollen gums: There may be inflammation, enlargement or reddening of gums where teeth are developing.

- Sleep disturbances: Babies during these stages cannot sleep well because teething can affect their sleeping pattern.


Soothing Tips

- Teething Toys: Offer comfortable teething soothers made from fabrics that will not harm the baby’s gums such as silicone.

- Cold Compress: A clean, cold washcloth can help gums that are sore.

- Gentle Massage: This condition may be eased by gently rubbing the area around the affected gum with a clean finger.

- Distraction: If your baby is uncomfortable, distract him or her with play or read a book to divert his or her attention.

- Pain Relief: If your child is in pain, seek advice from your pediatrician on what should be done such as using gels or even taking a teething medication.


When to consult your pediatrician


Sometimes, a baby may experience severe signs like high fever, diarrhea, or continually crying, you should seek advice from a pediatrician to disapprove other illnesses.

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